Howl Always Love You

Book Two of “Monstrous Rochester”

Living through a pandemic isn’t easy. Luckily Fiona Morrison has found ways to stay safe and sane. One part of that is her weekly visits to the farmer’s market. Sure, she’s there to pick up groceries, but she’s also there to ogle one of the vendors – Malachi “Kai” Hunter. Kai is the owner of Hunter’s Glen, a farm that produces the best goat cheese Fiona’s ever eaten. He’s also soft spoken and kind and he’s got the prettiest light brown eyes Fiona’s ever seen. Fiona’s got it bad for the handsome farmer but is content to leave things as they are. Content, that is, until Kai is forced to reveal that he’s a werewolf because he needs Fiona’s help. Kai also reveals that the crush is mutual. Their feelings quickly bring them together in a passionate affair, but circumstances are conspiring to keep them apart. 

(Note: This is a standalone novella. It’s not a sequel to Getting My Goat, but it is set in the same universe.)

STATUS: First draft has gone to and come back from beta readers.