The Fairy Thought Of You

Book Four of “Monstrous Rochester”

Sky Gallagher is a gancanagh, an Irish love fairy, and his family has a storied past as matchmakers to everyone from the human down the street to the ruling families in Fairy. Problem is, Sky never got his fairy powers. He’s been told that will happen when he finally falls in love with a woman. Except Sky is gay. He is out and proud and his family has (mostly) accepted it. Sky has made peace with his lot in life. He’s even left the family business and moved hours away to pursue a master’s degree in his true passion: architecture. Then, just as Sky is finally settling into his new life, a handsome human—Abraham Cohen—bursts figuratively and literally into Sky’s life. The two hit it off. It turns out each is exactly what the other needs, and they start falling for each other. Right as it seems this relationship is one that will last, the unexpected actually happens, and it casts doubt on Sky’s future with his beautiful Abraham. But maybe, with a little bit of help from Sky’s family and a whole lot of honesty, the two men can build the future they both want—together.

Status: Currently Writing